Conflux and Genify Spark Crypto Art Renaissance with Artist Verification Initiative

Join us on this journey during the crypto art renaissance as Conflux partners with Genify to launch the Artist Identity Verification Application Portal.

Conflux Network
2 min readMar 12, 2024

The NFT world has navigated through its own set of challenges and successes. While some projects have faded, the market is currently flourishing, injecting fresh vitality into crypto art. This resurgence echoes the innovative spirit of the Renaissance era, propelling art towards greater freedom and diversity.

In this revival of crypto art, Conflux Network, in collaboration with the multi-chain generative art platform Genify, is introducing an Artist Identity Verification Application Portal. This venture aims to provide digital artists worldwide with enhanced growth opportunities and support a dynamic on-chain art economy.

Through this application portal, artists can obtain verified identities and the capability to mint NFTs on the Conflux chain via Genify. Artists keen on seizing this opportunity can apply by filling out a form, following which our team will contact them via email.

The collaboration between Conflux and Genify, empowered by the Artist Identity Verification Application Portal, aims to offer artists enhanced and sustainable income opportunities. This exciting initiative will open up new pathways for success and infuse vibrant energy into the renaissance of crypto art. Through this initiative, Conflux and Genify will actively support verified artists by providing platform recommendations, hosting engaging Chinese and English Space/AMA sessions, and showcasing their works on third-party platforms. Verified artists will also receive 5% of the secondary sales of their works as royalty income.

We warmly welcome talented artists to join us and apply to become verified artists. Together, we can embrace a new era for on-chain art and propel crypto art to unparalleled heights!

About Genify

Genify ( is an innovative multi-chain generative art platform incubated by Lambda. Genify originally started as the world’s largest third-party community for generative art enthusiasts. As a leading NFT platform in the field of generative art, Genify and Conflux are coming together in Hong Kong to foster the development of generative art in Asia and beyond.

About Conflux

Conflux is a permissionless Layer 1 blockchain connecting decentralized economies across borders and protocols. Recently migrated to hybrid PoW/PoS consensus, Conflux provides a fast, secure, and scalable blockchain environment with zero congestion, low fees, and improved network security.

As the only regulatory-compliant public blockchain in China, Conflux provides a unique advantage for projects building and expanding into Asia. Conflux has collaborated with global brands and government entities in the region on blockchain and metaverse initiatives, including the city of Shanghai, McDonald’s China, and Oreo.



Conflux Network

Conflux is a PoW + PoS hybrid first layer consensus blockchain for dApps that require speed at scale, without sacrificing decentralization.